All Sky Camera App – Kent, WA and AllSky PNW App

Frequently Asked

Where is the camera located?

The camera is located on the roof of a house in Kent, WA. This is a suburb that’s approximately 30 minutes south of Seattle. Precisely it’s in the East Hill neighborhood of Kent.

How often do images update?

Images update every 60 seconds. The app checks every 30 seconds to keep better time sync with the website.

How often do mini timelapses update?

Mini timelapses update approximately every 10 minutes.

Why does the camera appear to flicker at day/night transition?

The camera software uses automatic image exposure settings. When the sun is setting or rising, the change in exposure settings often give the images a blue hue.

When do timelapse videos get created?

The camera automatically creates new timelapses after sunrise. The software is running on a Raspberry Pi4 so videos do take a little bit of time to create. Videos are then uploaded to a server for viewing.

What are the streaks I see at night?

There are a couple airports in the area, with the Renton Municipal Airport flight path near the camera. At night, images are taken as long duration exposures which can result in a plane’s lights resembling a streak. In addition to airplane streak, clouds can appear a smears when the clouds are moving and the exposures are long.

How can I build my own camera?

Follow the instructions here:

How long are mini timelapses?

Mini timelapses contain 30 minutes of images.

How often is the weather cloudy in Seattle?

Hard to say, but it tends to get cloudy and rainy in October and stays that way until about April/May. Just because it’s fall or winter doesn’t mean we can’t have clear days or nights, or at least portions of clearer skies.